Un outil de mapping et de keybinding pour la Cross Hotbar de Final Fantasy XIV.

Planifiez et personnalisez vos Cross Hotbars (XHB) de FFXIV : Dawntrail. Explorez les guides, configurations et configurations créés par les joueurs pour les interfaces utilisateur des hotbars et cross hotbars de Final Fantasy XIV. Optimisez votre expérience de jeu avec différentes options de placement, de keybinding et d'autres fonctionnalités de personnalisation. Profitez de la fonctionnalité de glisser-déposer pour des keymappings et personnalisations faciles à utiliser avec le clavier et la souris ou les contrôleurs de jeu. Exportez vos configurations vers des macros pour une importation directe dans le jeu et partagez vos configurations avec d'autres.


Dispositions récentes

  • Bard IconBRD
    Cross Hotbar IconXHB
    P.V.E. IconPVE


  • Ninja IconNIN
    Cross Hotbar IconXHB
    P.V.E. IconPVE

    HB 2 is expanded as well cause double tapping triggers sucks :) HB 3 for aoe and the space to fit single target rotation on 2 htobars

  • Dragoon IconDRG
    Hotbar IconHB
    P.V.E. IconPVE
    • Buffs on top. (Ordered according to the optimal rotation)
    • Weaponskills in the middle. ("Cross" shape on both sides)
    • oGCD attacks below. (Parallel to top oGCD buffs)
    • Extras in top corners, sides. (General: `~ 7 , Job: Ins H )
    • Role actions on shift. (Prefer AQWRTG but ZXCV available)
    • Consumables on alt. (Potion: Alt+W, Tincture: Alt+R) (Companion actions = placeholders)

    [Hotbar 2] Left fingers: Ring or Pinky 1 2 3 Tab Q W Ins A `~ Z X C

    [Hotbar 3] Right finger: Index 4 5 6 R T Y 7 G H V B N

    [Hotbar 4] Shift held w/ P. or Alt held w/ Th.: Ring or Index Q W R T A [w r] G Z X C V

    Skipping a modifier key for every job action is a huge boon. Feels great to spam keys when you are trying to double weave and avoid GCD clip. But there is a little stretching involved.

    WIP... But this is pretty much it. It doesn't change much from this. I have hundreds of hours as DRG with this setup pre-7.0, and I'm just okay, I think. Sometimes I stare at the bars too much. Sometimes I fudge the keys, I try to design around this though.

    `~ and 7 in the middle easily irks me the most out of all the compromises here. But 24 keys = 2 bars exactly. No wasted slots, no wasted screen space! The layout of the other 22 keys is a perfect mirror to the key positions on the keyboard, with a little shifting.

    It has potential to utilize all 10 bars if you want to get really wild with it... and with only 1 double mod layer / special mod layer (like by external Fn binds to numpad and F-row keys). That would be the 24 keys [`-7, Tab-Y, Ins-H, Z-N] on Top, Shift, Ctrl, Alt, and Fn layers. Realistically, all you need is Shift and a little Alt. There is lots of room in the keybinds for Waymarks, Signs, etc.

  • Pictomancer IconPIC
    Cross Hotbar IconXHB
    P.V.E. IconPVE

    My final layout after several ex-trial/normal raid runs. I prefer expanded XHB over WXHB because it allows faster access compared to double tap.

  • Sage IconSAG
    Cross Hotbar IconXHB
    P.V.E. IconPVE

    Auto Attack is used as a placeholder for Psyche in 7.0, and Jump is in place of Eudaimonia

  • Paladin IconPLD
    Hotbar IconHB
    P.V.E. IconPVE

    I like keeping my bars organized like my hands.

    Bar 3 is on the left and bar 1 and 2 are stacked on the right so that they mirror as two full rows.

    Bar 1 is bound directly down the numbers keys Bar 2 is below Bar 1 and is exactly the same +Shift

    Bar 3 is bound as QWERCV Shift+QWERCV

  • Monk IconMOI
    Cross Hotbar IconXHB
    P.V.E. IconPVE

    Inspired by Bun Boss but modified and updated for 7.01

  • Sage IconSAG
    Cross Hotbar IconXHB
    P.V.E. IconPVE

    Still learning best ways to access what I use most, but this so far feels like the best flow to me.

  • Pictomancer IconPIC
    Cross Hotbar IconXHB
    P.V.E. IconPVE

    This is what use as of now, I throw pots and stuff on the WXHB LT DPAD.

    I have some spells on here twice for easy access during some rotations.

  • Reaper IconFCH
    Cross Hotbar IconXHB
    P.V.E. IconPVE

    Reaper XHB 7.0

  • White Mage IconMBL
    Cross Hotbar IconXHB
    P.V.E. IconPVE

    Fits all useful skills into two XHB with XHB7 used for under level 30 content

  • Viper IconVPR
    Cross Hotbar IconXHB
    P.V.E. IconPVE

    Current WIP for updated hotbars in 7.0, focusing on minimising swapping hotbars in combat and keeping visual clarity on relevant buff cooldowns and maximising consistency across all jobs. Bar 1 is for single target, and Bar 2 for AoE.

    The dye represents potion, and Sprint and LB are macroed to L3/R3 respectively.

Dispositions populaires

  • Sage IconSAG
    Cross Hotbar IconXHB
    P.V.E. IconPVE

    General notes:

    • "Main" hotbar is RT
    • Frequently used abilities or important ones to use while moving go on the face buttons
    • AoE versions of things go on expanded hotbar
    • Only using one expanded hotbar so no LT>RT vs. RT>LT confusion during combat
    • Infrequently used abilities go on WXHB
    • Star button on WXHB is a focus target macro

    Sage-specific notes:

    • Sage has lots of single-target vs. AoE abilities, so placement on expanded hotbar mirrors this (Dosis/Dyskrasia, Diagonosis/Prognosis, Taurochole/Kerachole, Druochole/Ixochole, Haima/Panhaima)
    • Philosophia placement mirrors that of Soteria (LT vs. LT-LT)
    • Krasis on d-pad down to make it easy to cycle down to the tank and target them for it (down, down, RT+down)
      • Remember to adjust your party list job priority!
    • Zoe and Pneuma next to each other since they usually get used together
    • Eukrasia on WXHB is a macro to turn it off
    • Speech button on WXHB is a macro to indicate Swiftcast cooldown (i.e., when I will attempt to res again)
  • Viper IconVPR
    Hotbar IconHB
    P.V.E. IconPVE

    Easily distinguish between your 'left' and 'right' dual blade combos and your twinblade combos, even making our reawaken phase as simple as 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. Keybinds: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, Q, E, R, T, F, M4, M5 (+ Shift / Ctrl for Hotbars 2/3)

  • Pictomancer IconPIC
    Cross Hotbar IconXHB
    P.V.E. IconPVE

    A first run of a layout, influenced by my SMN and RDM layouts. ST on hotbar one, AoE on hotbar 2, other stuff on 3. I usually sit on either hotbar 1 or 2, depending on my needs, and switch between them with the R1 bumper.

  • Pictomancer IconPIC
    Cross Hotbar IconXHB
    P.V.E. IconPVE

    Work In Progress. Squintina-like PCT panels.

  • Viper IconVPR
    Hotbar IconHB
    P.V.E. IconPVE

    1st: 1,2,3,4,5,Q,E,R,F,C,V,T
    2nd: same but shift+

  • Summoner IconINV
    Cross Hotbar IconXHB
    P.V.E. IconPVE

    A SMN layout that makes sense for my brain and how I play. Single Target on main, AoE on hotbar 2, which I usually switch to by hitting right bumper (R1) and then staying on that hotbar as needed.

    Updated for 7.0!

Comment utiliser ce planificateur

Créer la configuration d'interface de barre de raccourcis parfaite dans Final Fantasy XIV Endwalker en utilisant un contrôleur est fastidieux et prend du temps. Ce simulateur vous permet de planifier vos configurations de barre de raccourcis en utilisant une interface de glisser-déposer basée sur le Web pour simuler différentes configurations avant de les appliquer à votre HUD de contrôleur dans le jeu.

  1. Sélectionnez un Métier/Classe FFXIV

    Choisissez parmi et planifiez vos barres de raccourcis pour n'importe quel Métier/Classe FFXIV

  2. Basculer entre les configurations de barres de raccourcis FFXIV

    Simuler une configuration de barre de raccourcis croisée (XHB/WXHB) ou des barres de raccourcis standard.

  3. Glisser et déposer des actions dans les emplacements

    Attribuez n'importe quelle action de combat et de rôle pour votre Métier/Classe sélectionné, ainsi que n'importe quelle commande de menu, macro et autre action.

  4. Exporter vers une macro et partager avec d'autres

    Une fois que vous avez terminé de configurer votre disposition de barre de raccourcis FFXIV Endwalker, enregistrez ou partagez votre disposition avec l'URL générée. Vous pouvez également exporter votre disposition vers une macro que vous pouvez utiliser pour importer votre disposition dans le jeu.