DOW • Melee DPS

Dragoon IconDRGDragoon

This page lists all player-created hotbar (HB) and cross-hotbar (XHB) layout guides and keybindings for the Dragoon Class/Job in Final Fantasy XIV: Dawntrail.

New LayoutNew Layout
Of all the things that are symbolic of the nation of Ishgard, few are more recognized than the dragoon. Born amidst the timeless conflict between men and dragons, these lance-wielding knights have developed an aerial style of combat, that they might better pierce the scaled hides of their mortal foes.

Taking to the firmament as though it were an extension of the land, they descend upon the enemy with every onze of their bodies behind the blow. It is this penetrative power that characterizes the dragoon.
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  • Dragoon IconDRG
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    • Buffs on top. (Ordered according to the optimal rotation)
    • Weaponskills in the middle. ("Cross" shape on both sides)
    • oGCD attacks below. (Parallel to top oGCD buffs)
    • Extras in top corners, sides. (General: `~ 7 , Job: Ins H )
    • Role actions on shift. (Prefer AQWRTG but ZXCV available)
    • Consumables on alt. (Potion: Alt+W, Tincture: Alt+R) (Companion actions = placeholders)

    [Hotbar 2] Left fingers: Ring or Pinky 1 2 3 Tab Q W Ins A `~ Z X C

    [Hotbar 3] Right finger: Index 4 5 6 R T Y 7 G H V B N

    [Hotbar 4] Shift held w/ P. or Alt held w/ Th.: Ring or Index Q W R T A [w r] G Z X C V

    Skipping a modifier key for every job action is a huge boon. Feels great to spam keys when you are trying to double weave and avoid GCD clip. But there is a little stretching involved.

    WIP... But this is pretty much it. It doesn't change much from this. I have hundreds of hours as DRG with this setup pre-7.0, and I'm just okay, I think. Sometimes I stare at the bars too much. Sometimes I fudge the keys, I try to design around this though.

    `~ and 7 in the middle easily irks me the most out of all the compromises here. But 24 keys = 2 bars exactly. No wasted slots, no wasted screen space! The layout of the other 22 keys is a perfect mirror to the key positions on the keyboard, with a little shifting.

    It has potential to utilize all 10 bars if you want to get really wild with it... and with only 1 double mod layer / special mod layer (like by external Fn binds to numpad and F-row keys). That would be the 24 keys [`-7, Tab-Y, Ins-H, Z-N] on Top, Shift, Ctrl, Alt, and Fn layers. Realistically, all you need is Shift and a little Alt. There is lots of room in the keybinds for Waymarks, Signs, etc.

  • Dragoon IconDRG
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    Valen Bree

  • Dragoon IconDRG
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    General notes:

    • Frequently used abilities or important ones to use while moving go on the face buttons
    • AoE versions of things go on expanded hotbar
    • Only using one expanded hotbar so no LT>RT vs. RT>LT confusion during combat
    • Infrequently used abilities go on WXHB
    • Star button on WXHB is a focus target macro

    Dragoon notes:

    • Base combos move in circles A-X-Y-B and then opposite B, making for smooth, circular movements that are easy to maintain during mechanics
    • oGCDs are arranged across LT and RT halves such that the important ones can be duplicated on the expanded hotbar in identical positions
      • This makes it easy to quickly hit them even while you're on the "wrong" hotbar half (e.g., doing the Chaotic Spring combo and you need to hit High Jump/Mirage Dive)
      • Also makes it easy to monitor cooldowns (except long-cooldown buffs Lance Charge and Battle Litany) while the expanded hotbar is displayed
    • Wyrmwind Thrust on LT since it should usually go with Chaotic Spring combo unless the rotation gets messed up, and Stardiver next to Geirskogul
  • Dragoon IconDRG
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    I use a mmo gaming mouse from razer called the Naga, the 3x4 grid is the exact layout as my mouse buttons. Hot bar 2 goes like this from left to right, top to bottom: 1, 2, 3, 4, Q, E, R, T, 5, -, =. The - and = are left and right on my mouse wheel, 5 is reserved for long cooldowns. Hot bar 3 is the same as 2 but with shift being held. The empty item between Piercing Talon and Battle Litany is a health Pot.

  • Dragoon IconDRG
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    Display with: [L2]→[R2]  [Cycle Up - Right]
    Display with: [R2]→[L2]  [Cycle Up - Left]
    Set Selection (Drawn):   [Hotbars 1, 3]
    • Clockwise from True Thrust & Potion, hit R2 ⭘🗙⬜︎🛆 in order, double-weaving the R2→L2 and R2 abilities after each.
    • After R2 🛆, switch hotbars (R1) and loop R2 🛆⭘🗙⬜︎🛆.
    • Double-weave evolved R2 abilities as they become available.
    • Weave Wyrmwind Thrust after each second Raiden Thrust; this may be delayed up to Drakesbane to fit nearby buff windows.
    • Continue to use Life Surge on Heaven's Thrust or Drakesbane, checking charges at each High Jump to prevent overcapping.
    • Continue to weave all other OGCD's every 30/60/120 seconds, as indicated by their cooldowns.

    Modified Opener: These bars pair abilities on R2 by their cooldown durations, to allow easy double-weaving and identification of when they should be pressed.

  • Dragoon IconDRG
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    Single Target (L)

    Mobs (R)

    Macro1: Blood Bath <wait>/Second Wind

    Macro2: High Jump <wait>/Mirage Dive <t>

    Replace skill locations with Macros Refer to In-Game Macro commands

  • Dragoon IconDRG
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    Thought process

    • GCDs on face buttons so movement is easier while rolling gcd
    • OGCDs put roughly in order of pressing (e.g. lance charge ->Litany -> clockwise following gcd order)
    • WXHB and Expanded XHB are shared on Hotbar 2 so I can see the Expanded because double tapping is annoying and 32 slots is plenty for most jobs
    • Macro is placeholder for Pot
    • Hotbar 3 is for easy switching to during 3+ encounters and so they don't waste space, leaving room to add reminder macros or move anti kb to a face button
      • There are 3 free buttons (4 if you remove leg sweep) if you want to add aoe anyway
    • Sprint as a macro on the left thumbstick (L3) so you can press it while moving
  • Dragoon IconDRG
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    My basic layout for all jobs. Hotbar 1 single target, hotbar 2 AOE. The focus of each is their respective core GCDs, and then I mimic the OGCD on each so switching isn't required unless going from AOE to single target situations or vice versa. Nastrond is used quite a lot in double weaves so I have it on both sides for ease of access. Expanded hotbar 3 for job specific potions, food, movement, role actions, extras I want access to regardless of single target or aoe situations. Hotbar 4 is shared quick access to whatever ya want on the WXHB.

  • Dragoon IconDRG
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    My personal bar!

  • Dragoon IconDRG
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    Personal Hotbar Setup

    SSD == Winged Glide HJ + MD combined

  • Dragoon IconDRG
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    this is good. it makes a lot of sense and feeds into the combos. may need to revise it post dawntrail but we'll see what dawntrail brings.

  • Dragoon IconDRG
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    This takes into account the upcoming removal of Spineshatter, so it is used as a placeholder for the non-damaging gap closer. True Thrust is on both sides to cut down on jumping back and forth, and because I had an open spot for it and splatted it right on there

  • Dragoon IconDRG
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    Spineshatter Dive = Winged Glide

    Dragon Sight = Drakesbane

    Requires Mirage Dive or an extra ability for aesthetic symmetry

    Probably going to replace Mirage Dive with a Piercing Talon double

  • Dragoon IconDRG
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    Current WIP for updated hotbars in 7.0, focusing on minimising swapping hotbars in combat and keeping visual clarity on relevant buff cooldowns and maximising consistency across all jobs. Bar 1 is for single target, and Bar 2 for AoE.

    The Glamour Plate button is being used in place of the newly added skill as needed, and the dye represents potion. Sprint and LB are macroed to L3/R3 respectively.

  • Dragoon IconDRG
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    Spineshatter Dive replaced with Winged Glide.

    Not much change.

    Keep High Jump and Mirage Dive seperate.

  • Dragoon IconDRG
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    Waiting for the new action images to get added in to fully get this good

    Make sure to change Double tap L2 to "Cross Hotbar 4 - Left" and Double tap R2 to "Cross Hotbar 4 - Right"

    90 -> 100 changes:

    • Winged Glide: new no-damage movement action replacing Spineshatter Dive [PLACEHOLDER: Spineshatter Dive]
    • Lance Barrage/Spiral Blow: upgrades to existing actions (no change needed)
    • Dragon Sight: removed
    • some tweaks to layout
  • Dragoon IconDRG
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    Spineshatter -> Winged Glide Life Surge o in Shift + 3 o nel mouse

  • Dragoon IconDRG
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    General flow: RT > RT+LT > LT > LT+RT > repeat

    LT -> RT and RT -> LT hotbars are identical. Empty slot can be pots, items, emotes, etc.

    I sometimes have trouble double tapping so I wanted to minimize having to access XHB1 when using XHB2 except on certain situations, hence the duplicates. Accessing XHB3 from XHB2 forgoes the need to double tap again to return to XHB2.

    Duplicate actions on XHB2 also allows me to take note of cooldowns of actions hidden in XHB3.

  • Dragoon IconDRG
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    From Bun Boss video

  • Dragoon IconDRG
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    Left half of bar 3 is normally not in use.

    Menu > Character Configuration > Hotbar Settings > Custom > Enable expanded controls with L2+R2

    Set both L2>R2 and R2>L2 to "Cross Hotbar 3 - Right"

    Also Enable WXHB with Simultaneous L2 and R2 double tap. Set L2 double tap to "Crossbar Hotbar 2 - Left" and R2 double tap to "Cross Hotbar 2 - Right"

    While holding L2 or R2 down, and tap L1 or R1 to cycle targets for Crossbar 2.

  • Dragoon IconDRG
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    Note to Self: Put skills shared between classes on same spots on each Bar

    Hotbar 1 (Back)

    1: Jumps

    2: Aoe Jumps

    3: Niche Actions

    4: Niche Actions 2

    Hotbar 2 (Front)

    1: Disembowl Combo

    2: Thrust Combo

    3: Coerthan Torment Combo

    4: Buffs and True North Affects

  • Dragoon IconDRG
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    My complete XHB setup for the Dragoon job.

    The PS5 Edge and Xbox PowerA controller have two back paddles, mine are set up as 'up' (left paddle) and 'down' (right paddle) on the Dpad. I could have also used left and right for the left paddle and right paddle respectively, but cycling through the partylist on the move is a huge benefit to this way - especially when you're a healer!

    XHB 1 is my single target bar and used for - well - single target weaponskills/spells and abilities which do have an aoe counterpart.

    XHB 2 is my WXHB (accessible by by double tapping L2/R2) and is used for situational stuff, mostly role-actions.

    As for XHB 3, only the right side of that is used. This is my 'useful for single target and aoe situations'-bar (expanded XHB for short) and can be accessed by pressing L2 and R2 simultaneously. The order doesn't matter because I don't want to remember which order I have to press to access certain abilities. I'm just lazy, u know.

    XHB 4 is my aoe pendant to XHB 1 - used for aoe weaponskills/spells and aoe abilities which do have a single target counterpart.

    All of this doesn't work out with every single job in the game but it gets the job done by 99 % in my opinion. It is really comfortable to play the game like that.

    XHB 5 is shared and for miscellaneous stuff.

    Sprint and Limit Break are bind on the left controller stick and right controller stick respectively. No third party tool is needed for that, it works with makros.

    Feel free to leave a message if you have any questions or feedback. :>

  • Dragoon IconDRG
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    How I set up my crossbars as a dragoon on steamdeck (Currently level ~65)

    I try to play every classes/jobs, thus I tend to reuse same slots for same "functionality" across jobs.

    Used the following link to add keybinds to the back triggers : https://www.reddit.com/r/ffxiv/comments/vdnmji/advanced_controller_tips_for_steam_deck/

    ||| L4 -> Target nearest enemy
    ||| R4 -> Cycle through enemies (nearest -> furthest)
    ||| L5 -> Sprint
    ||| R5 -> Inventory

    ||| L2 + L5 -> Mount
    ||| L2 + R5 -> Armour chest
    ||| R2 + R5 -> Chobo inventory

  • Dragoon IconDRG
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    Lv 90 Dragoon XHB made by a ps5 player

  • Dragoon IconDRG
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    Dragon Sight Macro

    /micon "Dragon Sight"

    /merror off

    /ac "Dragon Sight" <2>

    /ac "Dragon Sight" <3>

    /ac "Dragon Sight" <4>


  • Dragoon IconDRG
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    dragon sight macro'd to #6 on list.

  • Dragoon IconDRG
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    General XHB combat layout I use in game. Feel free to use it if curious on how the flow might gauge for you.


    DYE represents placing the job's TINT in said slot.

  • Dragoon IconDRG
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    Testing DRG layout

  • Dragoon IconDRG
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    Dragoon Cross Hotbar setup based from Bun Boss FFXIV on Youtube as of Sep 12, 2022 (except expanded XHB which I regularly access).

  • Dragoon IconDRG
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    my bars for drg :3

  • Dragoon IconDRG
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    Current DRG layout

  • Dragoon IconDRG
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    I'm a small streamer that loves FFXIV and many other things. The XHBs I publish are solely how I personally like to organize my Hotbars when on the controller! Feel free to use them if you too like them! Some are thrown together and some are planned out.

  • Dragoon IconDRG
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    For the most straightforward opener

  • Dragoon IconDRG
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    DRG as of 6.4

  • Dragoon IconDRG
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  • Dragoon IconDRG
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  • Dragoon IconDRG
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    For Normal Use

  • Dragoon IconDRG
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    For Emergency Use

  • Dragoon IconDRG
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    Patch 6.3

  • Dragoon IconDRG
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    Gonna try to play Dragoon more before it gets reworked