WHMWhite Mage
White magic, the arcane art of succor, was conceived eras past that the world might know comfort. Alas, man began perverting its powers for self-gain, and by his wickedness brought about the Sixth Umbral catastrophe. Although the art subsequently became forbidden, it is now in the midst of a revival at the hands of the Padjal, chosen of the elementals.
Those who would walk the path of the white mage are healers without peer, possessed of the power to deliver comrades from the direst of afflictions—even the icy grip of death itself.
This page lists all player-created Hotbar (HB) and Cross Hotbar (XHB) layouts and keybinding setup guides for the White Mage job in Final Fantasy XIV: Dawntrail.
White Mage Hotbar Layouts and Guides
100 WHM PvE 4xHB
Bars stacked with bar 1 on bottom and 4 on top
Bar 1 binds are generic, 2 uses [Ctrl]+, 3 uses [Shift]+, 4 uses [Alt]+
Controller OmniHealer 7.0 (WHM)
Note: Sprint and Limit Break should be on a Shared Hotbar!!!
White Mage
A controller layout for comfort and efficiency
Dawntrail White Mage
Macro 0: Asylum <me>
Macro1: Liturgy of the Bell <me>
WHM 7.05
Updated for Dawntrail
Buttons consistent for similar job actions (Dye = Potion)
Arin Ura | 7.0 White Mage
1 2 3 4 5 6
Tilingo's WHM
XHB 1 Most healing actions XHB 2 DMG actions
MMO mouse setup with modifiers.
Hotbars for Lv60 White Mage.
FF14: WHM-7.0
Macro0: Asylum <me>
Macro1: Liturgy of the Bell <me>
7.0 All Casts on Arrows, Instants on Symbols
If it was possible, but it isn't. Too bad. I wish there was only 16 Instant/OGCd spells. -WHM with a bad left thumb
I try to move my index fingers as little as possible while playing. Nothing really on LTLT or RTRT because I fumble that input like crazy. My pointers aren't so great either it turns out.
Noko Steamdeck White mage
How I set up my crossbars as a white mage on steamdeck (Currently level ~70)
I try to play every classes/jobs, thus I tend to reuse same slots for same "functionality" across jobs.
Althea's WHM Layout
This is very likely a tweak of one of Squintina's WHM layouts - I was heavily influenced by her when I started playing WHM. I have changed some things to better suit my style. Updated for 7.0.
The Dye icon on hotbar 3 is Eurekan Potion, as I sometimes do play WHM in Eureka.
CrossHotbar para iniciantes eu acho Cross 4 esta em todas jobs
White Mage
My white mage crosshotbars. ! macro is "/target <f> tank macro is "/target <2>
Raiding friendly hotbar PS4 controller
Healer hotbar- 5/5 Ultimate clears on WHM I do not use arrow key extended LTLT RTRT personally do not like them.
RTRT Lilybell and Asylum are macros
White Mage 7.0 Easy on Joystick
Configuração que uso de WHM jogando pelo console, usando a configuração de EXPANDED XHB, usando as combinações de R1>L1 e L1>R1, fica fácil acessar a a segunda barra e ter acesso a todo o kit do WHM a disposição.
White Mage Level 96
Made this for a friend.
Valen Bree
Personal MMO Mouse WHM
Note: I haven't leveled this up to 100 yet.
Hotbar 1: Starting with the single target filler, regen, and DoT on the first row. Next row has the WHM-specific actions. The rest is the same: heal, weak AoE heal (in case of sync-down), esuna, zoomies, weak heal (ONLY for sync-downs that the normal heal isn't there), sprint.
White Mage Bars
Keybinds for those interested.
I use an mmo mouse so 1-6 on all bars are pressed on the mouse, uisng shift and ctrl for bar 2 and 3. The latter 6 on all bars are pressed uisng the keyboard and shift/ctrl.
White Mage Controller Hotbars
I've watched Bun Boss and a few others to get an idea of how things should flow on controller. This is a setup that works for me and I wanted to share it! I like to keep things consistent across my jobs.
whm xhb
no wxhb
WHM Layout Pre-7.0
6.55 Layout (Removed after 7.0 launch) : Here
LT>RT remapped from Set 8 Left to Set 8 Right, only right half of Set 8 is used
Set 1 - Primary Heals/CD ; Set 2 - Utility + Raise ; Set 8 - DPS / Heal CDUPDATES
Numbers correlate to Macros
0 Aetherial Shift
Set 8 Left - Removed Abilities
This set has been adjusted to be in line with my SGE 7.0 PreliminaryWHM Pre Dawntrail
WHM Dawntrail
Sprint = Aetherial Shift
Taco's White Mage
Endwalker 90 White Mage
L2 + DP: Rez Actions
my whm bar
this is the main bar all my others are based upon
6 button mmo mouse
WHM Layout 6.55 (Not 7.0-Able)
LT>RT remapped from Set 8 Left to Set 8 Right, only right half of Set 8 is used
Set 1 - Primary Heals/CD ; Set 2 - Utility + Raise ; Set 8 - DPS / Heal CDWHM 7.0
Current WIP for updated hotbars in 7.0, focusing on minimising swapping hotbars in combat and keeping visual clarity on relevant buff cooldowns and maximising consistency across all jobs. Bar 1 is for single target, and Bar 2 for AoE.
The Glamour Plate button is being used in place of the newly added skill as needed, and the dye represents potion. Sprint and LB are macroed to L3/R3 respectively.
7.0 WHM
Gain Aetherial Shift. (Teleport as Placeholder)
Radulf Rushe WHM 100
Waiting for the new action images to get added in to fully get this good
Make sure to change Double tap L2 to "Cross Hotbar 4 - Left" and Double tap R2 to "Cross Hotbar 4 - Right"
Endwalker WHM
Endwalker Lvl90 White Mage
PVE Healer
These are my whm hotbars for all non-pvp content.
Similar to SCH and SGE layouts, role actions in the same place, DPS, solo and group heal actions easy to find.
not the best probs but it slays for me ✨
BB White Mage
Bun Boss White Mage heavily modified for my needs.
WHM 90
Xbox Controller
Weapon Sheathed -> 1 & 2 (Most Used General type actions) Weapon Drawn -> 3
Monet WHM
Made as a modification to BunBoss settings in order to better fit my own comfort with controller
Octa's WHM
/micon Asylum
/merror off
important ogcds, exit right!
for when u need to use everything at your disposal--or want to suffer some severe psychic damage.
WHM from Bun Boss
From Bun Boss video
Current level 50
My current level 50 hotbar
personal layout 6.55
WHM - Kbm
Trying to logically place things for my brain and my layouts for other healers :) Most important buttons are in 1-9. 10-12 are rarely used or important button presses.
whm test ace
prolly a nicer layout, given frequency of button presses
90 whm
90 WHM playthrough bar layout 6.5
White Mage Cross Hotbar setup based from Bun Boss FFXIV on Youtube as of May 20, 2022 (except expanded XHB which I regularly access).
Ben_R4mZ's WHM 2023
The layout I use for my WHM, will most likely change if I run into issues while attempting harder content.
White Mage
WHM - Baseline
WHM as of 6.4
WHM Standard Layout
My go-to Healer layout. Offensive skills to the right, healing skews left.
Baron's WHM Hotbar/XHB layouts.
6.3 3-28-2023
White Mage
WHM Layout
Kreeger's White Mage
The XHB setup I use for my White Mage. 1-3 are unique to WHM, all else are shared between all jobs. XHB4's LT->RT pane is a selection of emotes. XHB7 is my job selector.
White Mage
Patch 6.3 lvl 80
White Mage
WHM Level 90 (Pre-Lily)
White Mage for Patch 6.21. Optimized for non-Lily use. Rev 1 - 9/22/22
Rainbow Artaku's WHM XHB
I'm a small streamer that loves FFXIV and many other things. The XHBs I publish are solely how I personally like to organize my Hotbars when on the controller! Feel free to use them if you too like them! Some are thrown together and some are planned out.