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More Red Mage layouts
MMO mouse setup with modifiers.
Red Mage
Pot goes on Bar 3 Down D-Pad Raise uses Macro
Red Mage Bars
Keybinds for those interested.
I use an mmo mouse so 1-6 on all bars are pressed on the mouse, uisng shift and ctrl for bar 2 and 3. The latter 6 on all bars are pressed uisng the keyboard and shift/ctrl.
Just copied Nanaki's
Hotbars for Lv60 Red Mage.
Red Mage XHB
Lvl 100 Red Mage XHB made by a ps5 player
Red Mage
Black is right, white is left. there's still a lot of flexibility here, but this is more or less what works for me
RDM - Baseline
RDM as of 6.5
Red Mage
These are my RDM hotbars, very much a WIP, Hopefully you enjoy :)
Almost Entirely Based on boatium's Personal MMO Mouse RDM:
PS5 Edge Controller Layout
Up and down on the Dpad are the left and right back paddle respectively.
XHB 3 can the accessed with either LTRT or RTLT
RDM 7.0
I show Cross Hotbar 3 (Left) with both of the expanded trigger controls, so you can easily add in another 8 actions if you prefer, I use XHB 8 as a shared bar between all classes for traversal and general actions outside of combat. Role actions are consistent among my layouts, and so are general actions. The macro icon is a placeholder for a Tincture/Gemdraught.
RDM Companion Hotbars
for each job, I create a "hotbar" that is basically a monitor for cooldowns/any spell/skill I want to see the status of; I also have a hotbar with Role spells & skills, and, Sprint. I would add Second Wind in the missing slot. I use Hotbars 2 & 10 but you can use any Hotbars you want.
for RDM, there are only 6 spells, so you could put them all on 1 column; I don't do this because of how I have my UI setup to accommodate multiple job setups.
More layouts by deeox2
7.0 SMN
Gain Searing Flash. (Decouple from Searing Light. Teleport as placeholder.)
No new buttons otherwise.
7.0 MCH
Gain Full Metal Field. (Decouple from Barrel Stabilizer. Teleport as placeholder.)
Seems like that's about it.
7.0 DNC
Gain Last Dance. (Teleport as Placeholder. Not actually too sure if this is a new button.)
Maybe play with where Saber Dance, Last Dance, Starfall Dance, and Fan Dance IV are. Might feel bad to hit those buttons in those locations.
7.0 BRD
Auto-attack is Pitch Perfect. Keep that seperate.
Gain Resonant Arrow as a follow-up from Barrage. (Uncouple as a follow-up. Down arrow macro icon as placeholder.)
7.0 RPR
No real changes. Unfortunately.
7.0 SAM
Lose Shoha II (Thank God.)
No new buttons.
7.0 NIN
Lose Huraijin.
No new buttons.
7.0 MNK
Lose Anatman.
Not much change otherwise.
7.0 DRG
Spineshatter Dive replaced with Winged Glide.
Not much change.
7.0 SGE
Gain Psyche. (Jump as placeholder.)
Gain Philosophia. (Teleport as placeholder.)
7.0 AST
Lose Astrodyne, Draw, Redraw, Undraw, Play.
Gain Astral/Umbral Draw. (Draw as placeholder.)
7.0 SCH
Gain Seraphism. (Teleport as placeholder.)