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More layouts by Erdene

  • Red Mage IconRDM
    Cross Hotbar IconXHB
    P.V.E. IconPVE


  • Summoner IconSMN
    Cross Hotbar IconXHB
    P.V.E. IconPVE


  • Black Mage IconBLM
    Cross Hotbar IconXHB
    P.V.E. IconPVE


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    Cross Hotbar IconXHB
    P.V.E. IconPVE


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More Machinist layouts

  • Machinist IconMCH
    Cross Hotbar IconXHB
    P.V.E. IconPVE

    Single Target (L)

    Mobs (R)

    Replace skill locations with Macros Refer to In-Game Macro commands

  • Machinist IconMCH
    Cross Hotbar IconXHB
    P.V.E. IconPVE

    Waiting for the new action images to get added in to fully get this good

    Make sure to change Double tap L2 to "Cross Hotbar 4 - Left" and Double tap R2 to "Cross Hotbar 4 - Right"

    90 -> 100 changes:

    • Double Check + Checkmate: These upgrade Gauss Round and Ricochet (no change needed)
    • Excavator: Action Change following Chain Saw (no change needed)
    • Full Metal Field: Action Change following Barrel Stabilizer (no change needed)

    Basically free this one.

    Other placeholders:

    • Medicine bottle macro: Whatever is the most recent healing potion
  • Machinist IconMCH
    Cross Hotbar IconXHB
    P.V.E. IconPVE


  • Machinist IconMCH
    Cross Hotbar IconXHB
    P.V.E. IconPVE

    How I set up my crossbars as a machinist on steamdeck (Currently level ~65)

    I try to play every classes/jobs, thus I tend to reuse same slots for same "functionality" across jobs.

    Used the following link to add keybinds to the back triggers : https://www.reddit.com/r/ffxiv/comments/vdnmji/advanced_controller_tips_for_steam_deck/

    ||| L4 -> Target nearest enemy
    ||| R4 -> Cycle through enemies (nearest -> furthest)
    ||| L5 -> Sprint
    ||| R5 -> Inventory

    ||| L2 + L5 -> Mount
    ||| L2 + R5 -> Armour chest
    ||| R2 + R5 -> Chobo inventory

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