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  • Dragoon IconDRG
    Hotbar IconHB
    P.V.E. IconPVE

    I use a mmo gaming mouse from razer called the Naga, the 3x4 grid is the exact layout as my mouse buttons. Hot bar 2 goes like this from left to right, top to bottom: 1, 2, 3, 4, Q, E, R, T, 5, -, =. The - and = are left and right on my mouse wheel, 5 is reserved for long cooldowns. Hot bar 3 is the same as 2 but with shift being held. The empty item between Piercing Talon and Battle Litany is a health Pot.

  • Dragoon IconDRG
    Hotbar IconHB
    P.V.E. IconPVE
    • Buffs on top. (Ordered according to the optimal rotation)
    • Weaponskills in the middle. ("Cross" shape on both sides)
    • oGCD attacks below. (Parallel to top oGCD buffs)
    • Extras in top corners, sides. (General: `~ 7 , Job: Ins H )
    • Role actions on shift. (Prefer AQWRTG but ZXCV available)
    • Consumables on alt. (Potion: Alt+W, Tincture: Alt+R) (Companion actions = placeholders)

    [Hotbar 2] Left fingers: Ring or Pinky 1 2 3 Tab Q W Ins A `~ Z X C

    [Hotbar 3] Right finger: Index 4 5 6 R T Y 7 G H V B N

    [Hotbar 4] Shift held w/ P. or Alt held w/ Th.: Ring or Index Q W R T A [w r] G Z X C V

    Skipping a modifier key for every job action is a huge boon. Feels great to spam keys when you are trying to double weave and avoid GCD clip. But there is a little stretching involved.

    WIP... But this is pretty much it. It doesn't change much from this. I have hundreds of hours as DRG with this setup pre-7.0, and I'm just okay, I think. Sometimes I stare at the bars too much. Sometimes I fudge the keys, I try to design around this though.

    `~ and 7 in the middle easily irks me the most out of all the compromises here. But 24 keys = 2 bars exactly. No wasted slots, no wasted screen space! The layout of the other 22 keys is a perfect mirror to the key positions on the keyboard, with a little shifting.

    It has potential to utilize all 10 bars if you want to get really wild with it... and with only 1 double mod layer / special mod layer (like by external Fn binds to numpad and F-row keys). That would be the 24 keys [`-7, Tab-Y, Ins-H, Z-N] on Top, Shift, Ctrl, Alt, and Fn layers. Realistically, all you need is Shift and a little Alt. There is lots of room in the keybinds for Waymarks, Signs, etc.

  • Dragoon IconDRG
    Cross Hotbar IconXHB
    P.V.E. IconPVE

    Note to Self: Put skills shared between classes on same spots on each Bar

    Hotbar 1 (Back)

    1: Jumps

    2: Aoe Jumps

    3: Niche Actions

    4: Niche Actions 2

    Hotbar 2 (Front)

    1: Disembowl Combo

    2: Thrust Combo

    3: Coerthan Torment Combo

    4: Buffs and True North Affects

  • Dragoon IconDRG
    Cross Hotbar IconXHB
    P.V.E. IconPVE

    Left half of bar 3 is normally not in use.

    Menu > Character Configuration > Hotbar Settings > Custom > Enable expanded controls with L2+R2

    Set both L2>R2 and R2>L2 to "Cross Hotbar 3 - Right"

    Also Enable WXHB with Simultaneous L2 and R2 double tap. Set L2 double tap to "Crossbar Hotbar 2 - Left" and R2 double tap to "Cross Hotbar 2 - Right"

    While holding L2 or R2 down, and tap L1 or R1 to cycle targets for Crossbar 2.

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