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More Dragoon layouts

  • Dragoon IconDRG
    Cross Hotbar IconXHB
    P.V.E. IconPVE

    From Bun Boss video

  • Dragoon IconDRG
    Cross Hotbar IconXHB
    P.V.E. IconPVE

    This takes into account the upcoming removal of Spineshatter, so it is used as a placeholder for the non-damaging gap closer. True Thrust is on both sides to cut down on jumping back and forth, and because I had an open spot for it and splatted it right on there

  • Dragoon IconDRG
    Cross Hotbar IconXHB
    P.V.E. IconPVE
    Display with: [L2]→[R2]  [Cycle Up - Right]
    Display with: [R2]→[L2]  [Cycle Up - Left]
    Set Selection (Drawn):   [Hotbars 1, 3]
    • Clockwise from True Thrust & Potion, hit R2 ⭘🗙⬜︎🛆 in order, double-weaving the R2→L2 and R2 abilities after each.
    • After R2 🛆, switch hotbars (R1) and loop R2 🛆⭘🗙⬜︎🛆.
    • Double-weave evolved R2 abilities as they become available.
    • Weave Wyrmwind Thrust after each second Raiden Thrust; this may be delayed up to Drakesbane to fit nearby buff windows.
    • Continue to use Life Surge on Heaven's Thrust or Drakesbane, checking charges at each High Jump to prevent overcapping.
    • Continue to weave all other OGCD's every 30/60/120 seconds, as indicated by their cooldowns.

    Modified Opener: These bars pair abilities on R2 by their cooldown durations, to allow easy double-weaving and identification of when they should be pressed.

  • Dragoon IconDRG
    Hotbar IconHB
    P.V.E. IconPVE
    • Buffs on top. (Ordered according to the optimal rotation)
    • Weaponskills in the middle. ("Cross" shape on both sides)
    • oGCD attacks below. (Parallel to top oGCD buffs)
    • Extras in top corners, sides. (General: `~ 7 , Job: Ins H )
    • Role actions on shift. (Prefer AQWRTG but ZXCV available)
    • Consumables on alt. (Potion: Alt+W, Tincture: Alt+R) (Companion actions = placeholders)

    [Hotbar 2] Left fingers: Ring or Pinky 1 2 3 Tab Q W Ins A `~ Z X C

    [Hotbar 3] Right finger: Index 4 5 6 R T Y 7 G H V B N

    [Hotbar 4] Shift held w/ P. or Alt held w/ Th.: Ring or Index Q W R T A [w r] G Z X C V

    Skipping a modifier key for every job action is a huge boon. Feels great to spam keys when you are trying to double weave and avoid GCD clip. But there is a little stretching involved.

    WIP... But this is pretty much it. It doesn't change much from this. I have hundreds of hours as DRG with this setup pre-7.0, and I'm just okay, I think. Sometimes I stare at the bars too much. Sometimes I fudge the keys, I try to design around this though.

    `~ and 7 in the middle easily irks me the most out of all the compromises here. But 24 keys = 2 bars exactly. No wasted slots, no wasted screen space! The layout of the other 22 keys is a perfect mirror to the key positions on the keyboard, with a little shifting.

    It has potential to utilize all 10 bars if you want to get really wild with it... and with only 1 double mod layer / special mod layer (like by external Fn binds to numpad and F-row keys). That would be the 24 keys [`-7, Tab-Y, Ins-H, Z-N] on Top, Shift, Ctrl, Alt, and Fn layers. Realistically, all you need is Shift and a little Alt. There is lots of room in the keybinds for Waymarks, Signs, etc.

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Dragoon Final Fantasy XIV: Dawntrail W Cross Hotbar (XHB/WXHB) Planner and Simulator – XIVBARS

Of all the things that are symbolic of the nation of Ishgard, few are more recognized than the dragoon. Born amidst the timeless conflict between men and dragons, these lance-wielding knights have developed an aerial style of combat, that they might better pierce the scaled hides of their mortal foes.

Taking to the firmament as though it were an extension of the land, they descend upon the enemy with every onze of their bodies behind the blow. It is this penetrative power that characterizes the dragoon.

How To Use This Planner

Creating the perfect hotbar interface setup in Final Fantasy XIV Endwalker using a controller is clunky and time-consuming. This simulator allows you to plan out your hotbar layouts using a web-based drag-and-drop interface to simulate different configurations before commiting it to your controller HUD in-game.

  1. Select a FFXIV Job/Class

    Choose from and plan your hotbars for any of the FFXIV Class/Jobs

  2. Toggle between FFXIV Hotbar layouts

    Simulate either a Cross Hotbar (XHB/WXHB) or standard Hotbars layout.

  3. Drag & Drop Actions to Slots

    Slot any of the Combat and Role actions for your selected Class/Job, as well as any Menu Command, Macros, and other Actions.

  4. Export to a Macro and Share With Others

    Once you’re done configuring your Final Fantasy XIV Endwalker hotbar layout, save or share your layout with the generated URL. You can also export your layout to a macro that you can use to import your layout into the game.