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More Paladin layouts

  • Paladin IconPLD
    Hotbar IconHB
    P.V.E. IconPVE

    No new buttons.

  • Paladin IconPLD
    Cross Hotbar IconXHB
    P.V.E. IconPVE

    I show Cross Hotbar 3 (Left) with both of the expanded trigger controls, so you can easily add in another 8 actions if you prefer, I use XHB 8 as a shared bar between all classes for traversal and general actions outside of combat. Role actions are consistent among my layouts, and so are general actions. The macro icon is a placeholder for a Tincture/Gemdraught.

    Also, why does PLD have so many buttons.

  • Paladin IconPLD
    Hotbar IconHB
    P.V.E. IconPVE

    This layout is meant to be used with any sort of MMO mouse that has 12 buttons on the side. I chose 4x3 bars so that the layout represents the button layout on my mouse.

    Bar 1 encompasses your single-target rotation. I was aiming for as little thumb movement as possible, so for the most part, you'll be zig-zagging along the side of the mouse: 1-2-3 combo into FoF & Req/Imperator, then back to the FoF button for Goring Blade, then CoC/Exp, then jumping back to Confiteor with Intervene woven in. Your filler attacks are assigned to the final row.

    Bar 2 holds your AoE attacks and long-cooldown damage reduction abilities. I use SHIFT+# to access these buttons, so once you perform your 1-2 combo, you jump back to Bar 1 and perform the DPS rotation before jumping back to Bar 2 for filler attacks. The DR abilities are laid out in order of use when wall pulling in dungeons: Hallowed Ground -> Reprisal + Rampart -> Guardian + Arm's Length. The other defensive cooldowns are towards the back of the bar.

    Bar 3 holds your other defensive abilities, Enmity control abilities, and tank stance. I use CTRL+# to access this bar. This is also a good place to put your food and XP buff items. I put them here rather than Bar 4 because Bar 4 is my shared bar.

    I left Bar 4 blank because it can be whatever you want it to be - useful abilities across all your characters, like Mount/Minion summons, menu shortcuts, etc.

  • Paladin IconPLD
    Cross Hotbar IconXHB
    P.V.E. IconPVE

    Preliminary 7.0 Setup

    Countdown Macro for slot LT, LT D-Pad Left

    /cd 15

    My goal is to normalize same/similar skill positions across all of my jobs for consistency and muscle memory. While also trying group skills in a thematically and aesthetically pleasing way.

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Paladin Final Fantasy XIV: Dawntrail W Cross Hotbar (XHB/WXHB) Planner and Simulator – XIVBARS

For centuries, the elite of the Sultansworn have served as personal bodyguards to the royal family of Ul’dah. Known as paladins, these men and women marry exquisite swordplay with stalwart shieldwork to create a style of combat uncompromising in its defense. Clad in brilliant silver armor, they charge fearlessly into battle, ever ready to lay down their lives for their liege.

To be a paladin is to protect, and those who choose to walk this path will become the iron foundation upon which the party’s defense is built.

How To Use This Planner

Creating the perfect hotbar interface setup in Final Fantasy XIV Endwalker using a controller is clunky and time-consuming. This simulator allows you to plan out your hotbar layouts using a web-based drag-and-drop interface to simulate different configurations before commiting it to your controller HUD in-game.

  1. Select a FFXIV Job/Class

    Choose from and plan your hotbars for any of the FFXIV Class/Jobs

  2. Toggle between FFXIV Hotbar layouts

    Simulate either a Cross Hotbar (XHB/WXHB) or standard Hotbars layout.

  3. Drag & Drop Actions to Slots

    Slot any of the Combat and Role actions for your selected Class/Job, as well as any Menu Command, Macros, and other Actions.

  4. Export to a Macro and Share With Others

    Once you’re done configuring your Final Fantasy XIV Endwalker hotbar layout, save or share your layout with the generated URL. You can also export your layout to a macro that you can use to import your layout into the game.