Viper Hotbar-Layouts und Guides
Diese Seite listet alle von Spielern erstellten Hotbar (HB) und Cross Hotbar (XHB) Layouts und Tastenbelegungs-Setup-Guides für den Job Viper in Final Fantasy XIV: Dawntrail auf.
Among the myriad beasts of Tural, a select few awaken to preternatural power, becoming what are known as tural vidraal. To overcome the threat of these almighty beings, hunters studied one of nature's deadliest predators─one capable of overcoming foes greater even than themselves: the viper. They are swift and agile, with dual blades like fangs to bite, or combine into a single weapon to weave about the battlefield. Named for the serpent that inspired their fighting style, the vipers of Tural remain steadfast in their duty to defend the people.
Filmire's Lv.100 Viper 🎮
View a full explanation for this layout:
Ayria's New Parch Viper
AOE Combos
Single Target Combo. Potion goes LT Right D-pad
Ex and WX Face Button Viper
Built around RT Single Target LT AoE split, with most class buttons on the face buttons (A,B,X,Y), and role buttons on the D-Pad. Several buttons doubled to maintain comfortable play between AoE and Single Target combos. Assumes Sprint on L3 macro. Limit Break placed where I would have it if I didn't have a controller with keyboard command programmable buttons.
This layout puts most of the work on the face buttons and being comfortable with switching between Expanded and WXHB
Ayria's Viper
2 is for AOE combo > stays at the top 1 is for Standard combo (single target) > main bar 3 is for Role skills
Da'momo's Viper
I created my chotbars to be comfortable, practical, and aesthetic.(to me anyway) Nearly all same/similar skills are in the same position across all jobs/roles while allowing for as little finger gymnastics as possible.
My XHB is split between chotbars 2(left) and 7(right)
Volanare's Viper
Shoutout to Fyuria Tsukimori & Nanaki.
Single target on XHB 1 AOE on XHB 2
Test Build - 7.05
I like to keep all my single target on the right trigger and AoE on the left trigger.
Looking into the current flow for 7.05 this seems like it should work and keep the placement of buttons matching the layout of the bars in the UI.
LV 100 VPR Hotbar
Valen Bree
Aria's Viper Layout
Utilizing Main XHB, WXHB and Expanded XHB
XHB RT = Single Target Normal
worst VPR layout. probably.
I don't use this job
Viper Layout Optimized for controller
This setup is optimized to my style of play. I tried to minimize the amount of movement my trigger fingers do cause I get tired.
Just copied Nanaki's
Comfortable Viper XHB
Uses XHB, double tap, LT->RT(which are almost the same for muscle memory). Also uses a bar for cooldowns you cant see on LT->RT
Uses sheathe weapon layouts too for run, food, teles, etc
VPR 7.05
Updated for latest patch
Buttons consistent for similar job actions (Dye = Potion)
VPR 7.05
XHB3(R2, L2二度押し)
Viper MMO Mouse 3x4
My starter Viper hotbar for Dawntrail, designed to be played with an MMO mouse.
MMO mouse setup with modifiers.
Steel Fangs/Dread Fangs are standard combo openers Steel Maw/Dread Maw are standard combo openers for AOE From there, just hit the button that glows (one or both of the combo openers will glow). The 2nd hit in each combo will give you one of two buffs, one will reduce auto-attack delay (Swiftscale; makes you faster), the other adds potency to your attacks (Hunter's Instinct; makes you stronger). The 3rd hit in the combo will be powered up depending on the actions you did in step 1 and step 2, but again, just hit the one that glows. Additionally, once you hit that 3rd button, Serpent's Tail will light up for a 4th oGCD hit to end the combo.
Dreadwinder (single target) and Pit of Dread (AOE) will activate the two buttons next to it for a different combo set and give you a stack of Uncoiled Fury, a stronger ranged attack. The two buttons activated are Hunter's/Swiftskin's Coil for single target, Hunter's/Swiftskin's Den for AOE. You'll hit both of these, and they'll buff you in the same way as the normal combo, but after hitting one of these, either Twinblood and Twinfang on your back row will light up for an oGCD weave hit. Then after hitting Twinblood or Twinfang, whichever of those two didn't light up and you can hit that. For example: Dreadwinder > Hunter's Coil > Twinblood > Twinfang > Swiftskin's Coil > Twinfang > Twinblood. Uncoiled Fury works the same way as this, you'll just consume a charge to use it. Remember, it's ranged, so use it when you need it or are in danger of overstacking those charges.
2 XHB (Single and Expanded/WXHB)
Thought Process
- GCDs on face buttons for easy movement while pressing-
- WXHB and Expanded shared on XHB 2 so can see Expanded cooldowns
- Left trigger, XHB 1 starts opener
- rear positional on bottom buttons and flank on side
- Right trigger bar is mainly used for filler GCDs and the reawaken part of the burst
- duplicate actions because we have so much space so trying to limit having to swap triggers and help with weaves
- AOE on bar 3 to switch to when needed saves room (not really needed, just a habit from other jobs)
- sprint on L3
- macro on XHB 2 is pot
Viper 7.0
Current WIP for updated hotbars in 7.0, focusing on minimising swapping hotbars in combat and keeping visual clarity on relevant buff cooldowns and maximising consistency across all jobs. Bar 1 is for single target, and Bar 2 for AoE.
The dye represents potion, and Sprint and LB are macroed to L3/R3 respectively.
Viper Extended Chotbar
A setup that tries to keep dual-wield on one trigger and twinblade on another. AOE mirrors on hotbar 3, anything common to ST and AOE is reached via extended hotbar L2-R2/R2-L2
viper controller guide
i love this set up it allows for easy access to to ogcds whatever trigger you are holding. also easy reawaken combo and gcds are on face buttons so its easier to move while attacking
VPR XHB w/ ST-AoE swap
Hotbar 1 covers all single target actions and all role actions. Hotbar 2 covers all AoE actions and all role actions.
Hotbar 5 contains the few shared skills that don't fit on hotbar 1/2, along with Limit Break. Twinfang/Twinblood are behind the skills that activate them.
VPR Controller
First take on Viper Hotbar
Viper (Revised)
An improvement on my previous comfort layout for more ease-of-use for the re-awaken combo
EZ Weaving and Positionals on Controllers
All important combo GCDs and oGCDs are on the face buttons for max mobility while weaving/doing positionals
I tend to put AOEs on the D-pad since they aren’t as important but Viper actually has more AOE GCDs than most jobs, so Pit of Dread (aoe Twinblade starter) was able to get a spot on the R2 + Square since there was real estate.
FF14: VPR-7.0
Single Target (L)
Mobs (R)
Radulf Rushe VPR 100
Make sure to change Double tap L2 to "Cross Hotbar 4 - Left" and Double tap R2 to "Cross Hotbar 4 - Right"
Otherwise going to play around with this to see if I can make it better for me
VPR 7.0
LT>RT remapped from Set 8 Left to Set 8 Right, only right half of Set 8 is used
Set 1 - Single Target ; Set 2 - AoE ; Set 8 - UtilityNamo Bird's hotbars
1:1 with reaper button layout hotkeys picture. Dread maw and steel maw can be flipped for convenience. Coils too. Dread maw and Steel maw can be switched with twinfang and twinblood. Pit of dread twice for extra freedom.
Dreadwinder on soulslice for muscle memory and cooldown button, move to somewhere you can stare at it easily to track cd AND press it.
What I've been using up through level 100 into both EX1 and EX2. Served me very well and hope it helps you too!
Pot is the Potion Macro icon, food is the food macro icon.
Viper test bars
Whole keyboard layout, Testing for comfort.
#1 1-0,-,= #2 (1-= add shift) #3 num pad (1-9,*,-,+) or mouse click
Viper 7.0 Initial Layout
Taking a first go at a layout. Working to minimize swaps between bars needed to perform the opening and filler rotation.
Single target on bar 2, AOE on bar 3.
Viper Hotbar
1(1-9) main rotation bar, 2(Shift 1-9) aoe bar 3 Bar coolddown bar (Reawaken 'R', Serpent's Ire 'V', Slither 'G', Uncoiled Fury 'E, one of empty slots will be X for potion, normaly wouldn't put duty actions on bar but so much empty why not')
4 (C1-4, Arms Lengthy Ctr 7, limit break Alt 1)
MMO mouse using 1-= keys set by default for hotbar 1. Ctrl1 thru Ctrl= for hotbar 2. Shift1 thru shift= for hotbar 3. Twinblood, twinfang, and uncoiled fury repeated on bars 1 and 3 to simplify using actions in single target and aoe situations.
Level 80 Viper
Current trial
Viper Controller Hotbars
I've watched Bun Boss and a few others to get an idea of how things should flow on controller. This is a setup that works for me and I wanted to share it! I like to keep things consistent across my jobs.
Hopefully workable VPR
The fact i need to duplicate three skills... Square Enix didn't love me.
Since 2016, I use crossbar using a specific layout I mimic on each job (minus healer) Left : Support skills Right: Mono target Double right : AOE skills Double left : Big CD + distance skill for Melee dps
Controller VPR for comfort
fits all actions for more comfortable combo rotations and movement while fitting all role actions, LB, and sprint and some free slots on the WXHB for extra stuff (mounts, items, etc)
Viper Basic
AoE section needs work for sure
Easy Viper
Easily distinguish between your 'left' and 'right' dual blade combos and your twinblade combos, even making our reawaken phase as simple as 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. Keybinds: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, Q, E, R, T, F, M4, M5 (+ Shift / Ctrl for Hotbars 2/3)
VPR MMO mouse
panels for MMO mouse with 2 3x4 hotbars and 1 6x2 for utility
Kaji's Viper 7.0
Analysed before launch how to best place all abilities, tested in Early Access. Tried putting as many attack abilities on the right side of each bar to not have to release movement button as much, while keeping the ogcd attacks close to their corresponding gcd attacks to not have to switch bars constantly.
Dye is a placeholder for potion.
Inspired by Jolsn hotbars
credits to me Azuma Misaki @ Tonberry
VPR 2 bars
1st: 1,2,3,4,5,Q,E,R,F,C,V,T
2nd: same but shift+Viper OGCD FACE
Attempt to have Twinfang and Twinblood on face buttons for better movement
My Viper Layout
THis is what i came up with after smashing my brain into understanding the flow of viper for about an hour on hit dummies. My thought process is identical left and right placements for single target and aoe combos to coincide with vipersight. Both Single Target and Aoe Combos have a Serpent's Tail placed for easy access for less page hopping.
Dreadwinder is placed the next to the single target combos to enable ease of use tocatch the trail end of Noxious Gnash leading into Hunter's Coil/Swiftskin's Coil and Hunter's Den/Swiftskin's Den placed in similar paired fashion matching the placement of Twinfang and Twinblood to more intuitively feel the order to hit them in as you move. Pit of Dread is placed on the right arrow of RT/R2 in this case due to it only needing to be hit in aoe scenarios thus needing less priority but still placed in a way for easy transition into it's matching combos pairs. Uncoiled Fury and Whirling Snap are both placed on the expanded back pages to be used for downtime and slither is placed on a face button for easy access in movement phases.
viper 7.0
possible pre-release xhb layout for viper
Fun-optimized layout
This layout is optimized for fun kinda like dancer layout that'll make ur thumb dance.
Viper - XHB - less WXHB
ST should all be available with just LT or RT AOE on RT, RT and LT,LT Other nonsense on RT->LT and menu stuff on LT->RT
- Macro 1 as a placeholder for Gyshal Greens
- Macro 2 as a placeholder for you bestie mount
- Macro 3 as a placeholder for your potion
Viper Tentative Layout (v3)
Tentative layout for viper
I realized I did not align my gap closer to where it is on my other classes, so swapped some things around
comfy layout with the reawaken combo made easier
VPR 7.0 G600
HB using a macro to swap skills between ST and AOE
Reawaken skills in order (1-4)
Mouse binds F1-F11, ESC
Unused mouse buttons free to use (Mounts, LB,...)Layout:
HB 1&2: 6x2 on top of eachother
HB3: 3x4 on the right of the other 2
Aether Currents = CompassCombo oGCDs on main buttons
Although I tend to put oGCDs almost exclusively on the dpad buttons and GCDs on the main buttons (triangle, square, etc) for VPR I felt like I'd try to keep the swapping oGCD buttons on the right hand as well since they are essentially part of the combo and need to be weaved precisely... and I didn't want to deal with the challenge of dpad inputs while moving
Azure's VPR Hotbars - 7.0
This layout is designed around the following hardware:
Viper 7.0 Corrected
Viper + gap layout
Slither on m5,
ire and feint on ctrl+shift+1/4,
Setup that works for my brain but hopefully it can help you as a template to organize your own bars.
fafa vpr
dt set up
Vann’s Mobile Intuitive Setup ⚔️
Placement of Actions is tailored towards matching up single-target combos to their AoE/Twinblade counterparts and putting them in intuitive spots. (i.e. Flanking actions on side buttons and Hind actions on bottom buttons).
All Weaponskills are kept on X O □ ∆ buttons to keep the left joystick free for movement. This also has the Reawaken combo self-contained on the right buttons of the controller.
VPR 7.0
day 1 early access
Uh hi
viper test
/crosshotbar set "壱の牙【咬創】" 1 RA3 /crosshotbar set "壱の牙【惨毒】" 1 RA4 /crosshotbar set "壱の蛇【惨毒】" 1 LA3 /crosshotbar set "弐の蛇【猛襲】" 1 LA4 /crosshotbar set "弐の蛇【疾速】" 1 LA1 /crosshotbar set "飛蛇の尾" 1 RA2 /crosshotbar set "祖霊降ろし" 1 RA1 /crosshotbar set "飛蛇の牙" 3 LD1 /crosshotbar set "壱の大牙【咬創】" 3 RA3 /crosshotbar set "壱の大牙【惨毒】" 3 RA4 /crosshotbar set "壱の大蛇【惨毒】" 3 LA3 /crosshotbar set "弐の大蛇【猛襲】" 3 LA4 /crosshotbar set "弐の大蛇【疾速】" 3 LA1 /crosshotbar set "蛇行" 1 LD2 /crosshotbar set "蛇の霊気" 1 LD1
Initial Viper Hotbar Theorized
Theorized version of my intended viper hotbar based off reading the ability descriptions on the job guide website and how I have my other melee hotbars laid out
Initial Viper Hotbar
The "Inventory" is actually where my potion slot will be.
Viper on controler
Viper hotbars for controler. Shield 1 = food Shield 2 = Potion
here, you have the mono skills on 1st hotbar, aoe on 2nd. When using reawakening, gcd are on the middle line, in order, and use serpent tail on ogcd between them.
Viper with hotbar swap
This setup is used for 12 button mouse + razer tartarus V2.
Hotbar 7 and 8 are for mono Hotbar 9 and 10 are for Aoe Hotbar 3 remain the same : used for healing stuff (+potion/food)
Viper Idea
The Middle 2 rows separate out AOE and Single Target. I will probably ignore those.
Viper Hotbars for 7.0
trying to build VPR hotbars ahead of Dawntrail launch
Viper Alt
For First-Fourth Generation being 1-2-S1-S2
AoE version 4-S4-C1-C2
Viper Tentative Layout (v2)
v2 of my tentative viper layout
Swapped AOE to be in 1 area and moved the dreadwinder combo to be front and center
Viper Tentative Layout
Tentative layout for Viper
VPR initial Dawntrail
Viper xhotbar going into Dawntrail
Initial Viper hotbar
My initial hotbar set up prior to launch of Dawntrail
7.0 Viper
I'm a left arm amputee - for 1-handed MMO mouse use (Logitech G600).
Controller Viper (based on Squintina)
Based on Squintina's youtube guides
Mindy's Viper Hotbar
Just my personal Viper hotbar setup.
Perfect HB
Always identify the Proc that should be used in the JobHUD and Recognise Flank or Rear on the second skill
Perfect XHB
Always identify the Proc that should be used in the JobHUD and Recognise Flank or Rear on the second skill
Lemon's Layout
viper using g600 :3
VPR MMO Mouse (G600, etc)
1, 2, & 3 are what I'm planning on using, since I started before hotbars could be reshaped.
4, 5, & 6 are the same thing reformatted to match the 3x4 grid of MMO mice.Kou Banagi's VPR setup
Condense basic rotation into 8 hotbars per side as well as duplicate a lot of the oGCD actions for ergonomics
Viper Ready for 7.0
working on it
Tentative layout
Viper Test
something something kirito/darth maul
Viper 7.0
Personal setup for Viper.
Personal Hotbar Setup
EA Viper
Possible Viper hotbar for Dawntrail
VPR Sequential
- Dreadcoil and Swiftcoil in WHXB RT B/A are intentional for easier Reawakening windows.
- Macro 1 is for either a targeted Slither or a mouseover Slither for ease of use.
New hotbar layout
Bel's bar, bar 4 left side is set for expanded
Just my personal viper setup.
The Only Objectively Correct VIP Layout (WIP)
The Only Objectively Correct VIP Layout (WIP)
ctrl/alt (4 instead of ctrl r)Viper controller
my layout
controller viper
vip vip
VPR Template
Based on RPR/DRG bars
Viper Controller
Rough draft, inspired somewhat by Youtuber Squintina's controller hotbar guides
Viper Main
Viper main Hotbar layout
Taco's Viper
Preemptive 100 Viper
L2 + DP: Charge and Special Combo Starters
VPR Dawntrail
The job with the least amount of buttons in the game It was extremely difficult to get this symmetrical
Sneaky Snaaake
Beep Boop.
Keybinds for this layout - ( [sh]=Shift modifier, [A]=alt modifier, [X]=unbound )
Viper Minimalist
Exactly as it says on the tin. Sprint is on a macro tied to pressing in the Left Analog Stick across all jobs
Viper XHB Setup
Personal XHB setup using XHB, RTRT WXHB and Expanded.
- XHB has RT Single Target, LT oGCDs, with main burst buttons on directions for visibility.
- RT is also in Reawaken burst order starting from the bottom going clockwise (A/X = First Generation, etc.).
- CDs visible on the directions, Reawaken/Ire/Dread input using WXHB RTRT
- Expanded XHB is AOE, mirrored on both sides so no matter the combination, it will be the same layout. Bless less buttons lol
- RTRT WXHB is movement, range, actual input for Bursts, role actions. Using option for WXHB to switch back to XHB after input.
- LTLT WXHB is shared between all my classes, just put here to show layout.
- XHB has RT Single Target, LT oGCDs, with main burst buttons on directions for visibility.
Luci Alt hotbar VPR
Alt hot
vpr 2
Dt launch
Razer Tartarus V2 Gamepad
My set up with my gamepad. Dread fang lines up with 12 on the gamepad. Bar 2 is holding shift on a programmable mouse.
Shu's Viper
All hotbars: 1,2,3,4,5,Q,E,R,F,X,C,V
- Hotbar 1 = <Alt> modifier.
- Hotbar 2 = <Ctrl>modifier.
- Hotbar 3 = No modifier.
Viper test
Limited directional button presses required
tentative vpr bars
my tentative vpr layout
Initial VPR Bars
Subject to change
Left side main ❤️
I think this is doable
Where arms length is will be potion
Viper loadout
Hotbars are personal preference. Please use what works best for you instead of what other people use.
Viper XHB
Fits my usual priorities for hotbars:
- All instant GCDs go on face buttons
- gap closer / range go on WXHB
- AOE replacements on XHB2
- Swap XHB1 and XHB2 with R1 tap
- everything else goes where it's convenient
Viper Crossbar Potentially for Dawntrail
This will be the Starting Set for my Dawntrail Viper
Viper Trial (2 mouse buttons, 2 modifiers)
Using standard 3-line set with shift and control as two separate modifiers, and access to M4 and M5
VPR Pre-Launch Layout - LXD
Test for macro setup later
/hotbar action "Steel Fangs" 1 1 /hotbar action "Dread Fangs" 1 2 /hotbar action "Hunter's Coil" 1 3 /hotbar action "Swiftskin Coil" 1 4 /hotbar action "Reawaken" 1 5 /hotbar action "Sprint" 1 6 /hotbar action "Second Wind" 1 7 /hotbar action "Uncoiled Fury" 2 1 /hotbar action "Twinfang" 2 2 /hotbar action "Twinblood" 2 3 /hotbar item "Grade 8 Tincture of Dexterity " 2 5 /hotbar action "Dreadwinder" 2 6 /hotbar action "Serpent's Tail" 2 7 /hotbar action "Bloodbath" 2 9 /hotbar action "Writhing Snap" 2 10 /hotbar action "Feint" 2 11 /hotbar action "Pit of Dread" 3 1 /hotbar action "Hunter's Den" 3 2 /hotbar action "Swiftskin's Den" 3 3 /hotbar action "Slither" 3 4 /hotbar action "Leg Sweep" 3 11 /hotbar action "Steel Maw" 4 1 /hotbar action "Dread Maw" 4 2 /hotbar action "Serpent's Ire" 4 3 /hotbar action "True North" 4 4 /hotbar action "Arm's Length" 4 10 /hotbar action "Uncoiled Fury" 5 4 /hotbar action "Dreadwinder" 5 5 /hotbar action "Serpent's Ire" 5 6 /hotbar action "Feint" 5 7 /hotbar action "Arm's Length" 5 8
my viper hotbar, inverted
i use 123 ascending so i inverted it for easy macro.
Viper XHB v1
Version 1--GCDs on Face Buttons
Viper Gaming
I like buttons
box one
alt 1 2 3 4
shift 1 2 3 4
1 2 3 4
box two
mb4 s.mb4 c.mb4 a.mb4
r s.r c.r a.r
c.1 c.2 c.3 c.4
box three
e s.e c.e a.e
f s.f c.f a.f
t s.t mb5 q
Viper Hotbar
Realized that aoe buttons are perfect mirrors of single target ones. Also twinblade combo is either a clockwise or counter clockwise motion this way, so that's neat.
tey's viper
mmo mouse: G600
Viper Xbar
Viper Single XHB + Expanded
Goal here is to get everything on just 2 XHBs.
If AoE can be tossed into the expanded XHB for the most part, and ST mostly lives on the main bar without much challenge in hitting buttons, that would be this working.
Controller Viper for Raiding
This layout is mostly to accomplish a few goals, such as:
Single target skills on the first hotbar, with utility and aoe being on the double taps.
I use a MMO Mouse.
funky viper
we dont know
Controller Layout - Viper
Viper controller layout, attempting to minimize as many hotbar swaps as possible.
This layout has WXHB enabled on hotbar 2 and expanded XHB bound to hotbar 4 rightside. I didn't rearrange the bars for simplicity.
Used Mr. Happy as a guided lmao
VPR Layout (But only click some actions with mouse)
- tentative but prepped for my personal hotbars
- yes, I click the aoe rotation action one by one with mouse
- my finger max ranged is [Ctrl/Shift+5]
- no QERTZXCVB and Alt keybind
- other role actions have already been organized on another hotbar
Actual nightmare to set up on XHB, yikes but should work well enough
VPR - MMO Mouse+ Game Pad
Hotbar 1 is the 12 buttons on an MMO mouse like a Naga Hotbars 2-4 are the middle four buttons of a Razer Tartarus. 2 is no modifier, 3 and 4 are alt and ctrl respectively
VPR PC w/MMO mouse
My personal layout for VPR on PC with MMO mouse. Still tentative.
HB1 KB is Top: 1, 2, 3, 4, E, R. Bottom: F, G, Shift E, Shift R, Q, ` HB2 and HB3 are on the MMO with HB2 using alt as the modifier.
My VPR Layout
First :) I had this prepped before it went live