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More Reaper layouts
RPR 7.0
My very strange layout
RPR 7.0
Reaper XHB 7.0
7.0 RPR
No real changes. Unfortunately.
RPR 90 g600 xivcombos and ReAction, no KB needed
used with Logitech g600. all inputs on mouse. 0 keys are pressed. MUST USE XIVCOMBOS AND ReACTION PLUGINS otherwise you will be missing several necessary abilities..
HB 2 uses gshift
RPR 3*4 MMO Hotbar Layout
Core / Frequent Action items focused on Hotbar 1 (ST 1-6 & AoE 7-12)
Secondary Actions/Buffs/Debuffs found on Hotbars 2 and 3Keybinds
- HB1: 1-9, 0. -. =
- HB2: Ctrl + 1-9, 0, -, =
- HB2: Shift + 1-9, 0, -, =
Valen Bree
FF14: RPR-7.0
Single Target (L)
Mobs (R)
Reaper Dawntrail Setup
Hi all reaper setup using only main (HB1) and WXHB (HB2).
2 Active XHB Lvl 100 Dawntrail
- WXHB and Extended XHB shared on HB 2 for visible Cds
- AOE rotation separated on HB 3 to replace HB 1 when needed
- standard GCDs on face buttons for movement and OGCDs near GCDs close in the rotation/bursts
Hotbar Setup
RPR 7.05
Updated for Dawntrail
Buttons consistent for similar job actions (Dye = Potion)
Personal Hotbar Setup
More layouts by beckfast1994
Tank macro = /target <2> Triangle macro = /target <f>
White Mage
My white mage crosshotbars. ! macro is "/target <f> tank macro is "/target <2>
Here is my gunbreaker cross hotbars!
The crystal is a potion item.
My dancer crosshotbars
My astro crosshotbars. The ! macro is "/target <f>" tank macro is "/target <2>" star macros are for giving card to 2, 3 and 4 in party list.
My samurai cross hotbars.
My ninja cross hotbars.
My scholar crosshotbar.